Temui Kembaran Digital Anda
Bayangkan sebuah teknologi pintar yang dapat membuat karakter menjadi seperti Anda berdasarkan aktivitas online Anda. Karakter ini, atau 'Digital Twin', adalah bagian besar dari pengalaman Anda dengan NEEbytes dan mewakili penampilan Anda di dunia digital.
'Kembar Digital' Anda adalah karakter digital unik yang dibuat dari jawaban Anda di kartu data, mencerminkan preferensi dan kebiasaan online Anda, dan menciptakan representasi visual dari identitas digital Anda.

​2. Buat akun Anda sendiri.

NEEbytes is a new platform where you can share your insights and preferences through quick and easy surveys. In return, you'll earn NEE Coins, a cryptocurrency that gives you real value for your contributions.
It's simple: share what you know, earn what your data is worth.
​3. Tunjukkan pada kami bahwa itu memang Anda.​
We’re in the early stages of building something big. Here’s why joining Neebytes now is a smart move:​​​
Accumulate Early: Start building your digital assets today. By simply creating an account and sharing your demographic details, you can begin accumulating Nee Coins immediately.
Daily Rewards: Participate in daily questions to earn even more NEE Coins. This not only helps you grow your digital wallet but also contributes to building our platform’s potential datasets.
Shape the Future: As an early user, you’re helping us test and refine our ecosystem. Your participation directly impacts the development of a product that could revolutionize how businesses and individuals connect and benefit from each other.
Future Potential: We’re working hard to expand our user base and attract businesses that value your insights. As we grow, the demand for accurate, valuable data will increase, potentially raising the value of NEE Coins.

4.Ikuti kuis seru untuk membuat kartu data Anda.​
Create Your Persona: Set up your profile with basic demographic information to help businesses understand their audience.
Answer Daily Questions: Spend just a few minutes each day answering questions that help you earn NEE Coins and build valuable datasets.
Watch Your Earnings Grow: As data becomes sought, the value of NEE Coins could increase. You'll be among the first to benefit from this new digital economy.
Stay Tuned: We're constantly evolving, and with your help, we aim to create a platform that offers significant value for both users and businesses.

Data Anda, Poin Anda
Aktivitas online Anda dapat memberi Anda poin yang disebut koin NEE. Selalu perbarui kartu data Anda setiap bulan, dan lihat poin Anda menumpuk di aplikasi.
Siap menggunakannya?
Pertukaran perdagangan DEX tersedia untuk Anda. Seiring pertumbuhan ekosistem NEEbytes dan data Anda menjadi lebih berharga, koin NEE yang Anda peroleh dapat meningkat nilainya.
Rahasia Anda Tetap Aman
Kami menjaga privasi Anda dengan serius—ini adalah hal terpenting bagi kami.
Segala sesuatu yang Anda sampaikan kepada kami di kartu data Anda diubah menjadi format terenkripsi yang aman dan tetap terjaga, sehingga sistem pintar kami dapat mempelajari cara terbaik untuk membantu Anda memonetisasi data Anda dengan calon pembeli di masa depan.

5. Temui Avatar Online Anda
At NEEbytes, we believe in the power of data when it's used ethically and benefits everyone involved. While we’re still growing, your participation helps us move closer to a platform that connects businesses with the insights they need, while you earn for the value you bring. As we expand, our goal is to adapt to the needs of both users and businesses, ensuring that NEEbytes remains a valuable, innovative solution in the cryptocurrency space and market research.​

Tempat di mana Anda bertanggung jawab
Di dunia NEEbytes, Andalah bosnya.
Anda memilih apa yang ingin Anda bagikan tentang diri Anda. Ini bukan hanya tentang informasi; ini tentang menunjukkan siapa Anda sebenarnya, atau mungkin Anda ingin menjadi siapa.
6. Periksa peningkatan nilai data Anda seiring berjalannya waktu
By joining Neebytes, you’re participating in the early stages of a new economy. As we grow, so will the opportunities to earn and spend your Nee Coins.​